Elizabeth North Primary School

Elizabeth North Preschool Family Information

Children's Learning

We are a play-based centre and we believe children learn best through their play. Play allows children to make sense of their world and to begin those important social skills that they will need for the rest of their lives. Through these social interactions with other children and educators, children are developing their social skills including sharing, negotiating rules and developing their positive wellbeing. Play also helps children to regulate their behaviour, understand emotions and more importantly, promotes a sense of independence.

At Elizabeth North Preschool, each child will have their own learning documented in the form of a portfolio which is located inside the preschool. Inside will be samples of their writing, art work, interviews, comments about their own learning, learning stories and more from their time spent with us. You are most welcome to have a look through your child’s portfolio at any time but for confidentiality reasons, please only look through your own child’s.

Parents and Carers are encouraged to access their child's portfolio and provide feedback on learning throughout the year. A Statement of Learning will be issued in Term 4 when they finish Preschool. Additionally, some children will also receive Personalised Learning Plan. An overview of our fortnightly program is always available and is located in the within the preschool space. We encourage feedback on what your child’s interested in and how we can support and include their interests during their time at preschool.

What to Bring

We encourage families to pack a number of items for their child whilst they are at preschool. These include:

• Labelled change of clothes (including socks/underwear for toileting accidents and wet/messy play)
• Drink bottle (water only - labelled)
• A healthy snack of fruit and lunch
• Asthma medication/inhaler if required. Please hand this over to an educator and do not leave in your child’s bag.

What to leave at home

Some things that are best left for home including:

• Foods high in sugar/salt/fat. We implement a healthy eating policy which means chips, lollies, cakes, bars (LCM bars for example) are not recommended
• Fruit boxes, cordial, soft drinks and fruit juices
• Nuts and products containing nuts including peanut butter and Nutella, due to food allergies
• Toys from home, as they can get lost or broken.

Healthy Eating and Nutrition Policy

At preschool we promote healthy, safe eating habits in line with our Healthy Food Supply and Nutrition Statement and Australian Guide to Healthy Eating | Healthy eating for children. We believe that early childhood is an important time for establishing lifelong, healthy eating habits. We ask that families pack a balanced, nutritious lunchbox that contains a fresh fruit or vegetable snack, a second snack based on a core food group like a yoghurt, cheese and crackers or plain popcorn and a main lunch item such as a sandwich, wrap or roll. We are unable to heat children’s food due to food safety guidelines. We are a nut free preschool and nuts and nut products such as; peanut butter, Nutella, nut bars are not permitted at preschool. As lollies, chocolates, chips and many packaged foods are full of sugar and hidden salt, we recommend that these are only “sometimes foods” and are not regularly eaten at preschool. Fruit juices and cordials are also not recommended, water is best. Lunch orders are available from the school canteen, but ice blocks are unable to be ordered.

Hat Policy

In accordance with the school’s policy regarding wearing sun safe hats, it is our preschool policy that children are to wear their hats in Term 1, 3 & 4. In Term 2, children will be required to wear their hats on days where the UV rating is 3 or above. As we are a SunSmart accredited preschool your child must have a named sun safe hat that covers the child’s face, ears and neck. Suitable hats are legionnaire, bucket and broad brimmed styles. Any hats with cords will need the cords to be removed, as a safety requirement from the Department for Education. The Preschool will provide your child with a broad brimmed hat on enrolment. Should this become lost, additional school hats are available for purchase at the front office. We recommend during Terms 1 and 4 when the UV is higher that children come to preschool with sun screen already applied. Sunscreen is available throughout the day which children are encouraged to apply.

Please label your child’s clothing, including shoes, socks and belongings. The lost property box located inside preschool is regularly cleared out.

Health and Medical Information

If your child is unwell prior to attending we ask that they are kept at home. Children with contagious or infectious diseases including head lice, diarrhoea, vomiting, conjunctivitis or raised temperature cannot attend preschool. If your child develops a need for medical attention during a session staff will contact you or your emergency contacts. In the case of head or facial injuries we will always contact you (even if considered mild). In an emergency there will be no hesitation in calling an ambulance as well as emergency contacts. Please ensure that your enrolment form has information regarding your child’s allergies, chronic complaints, asthma and regular medications required. Your child will require a health care/asthma plan on enrolment if they have any medical conditions. If your child requires medication during session times an action plan and/or administering medication form needs to be completed by a doctor including your child’s name on the medication, expiry date, correct dosage and when to give it to your child. We are unable to administer over the counter medication such as Panadol or Nurofen.

A nurse from Child and Youth Health visits our service each term. All preschool children are encouraged to meet the nurse with their guardian to have a health check. This health check is free and involves the nurse examining the child’s eyesight, hearing, height, weight and general development. These checks are carried our sometime after your child turns 4 years.

Drop off and pick up

Please ensure you have given the people who collect your child/ren authority to do so. Ensure you inform us when someone different will be collecting your child. They will be required to produce photo identification in line with the Department for Education policy. Our doors open at 8.30am and sessions finish at 3.15pm. If your child requires care outside of these times, please book Out of School Hours Care. We are unable to supervise preschool children or school aged siblings outside of these hours.


Happy Haven provide onsite Out of School Hours Care for Elizabeth North Preschool and Primary School. Please see the website for more information. Website www.happyhaven.com.au

Special Occasions

Our preschool acknowledges the recommendations of The National Heart Foundation that snack foods such as, cakes, biscuits, and takeaway foods are limited to once a week. When celebrating a special occasion or cultural event the food supplied to the children by the preschool will be in line with our Healthy Food Supply and Nutrition Statement and Australian Guide to Healthy Eating | Healthy eating for children.

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